In a distant dimension, on the far-reaching landscapes of time and space, there exists a mythology that is prominent legend across all universes. Upon reading this tale yourself, you too shall become enamored by its splendor, for it is the most treasured of all stories: The Legend of the Black Rose. It is a story of love and deception, of jealousy and sabotage, of alliances and dark adventure, and of retribution and rebirth. It is this legend of love that inspired an exchange of hearts from light to shadow and from shadow to light, causing the calamitous devastation of the world. In order to know this story, one must seek it out. It will come in pieces, and you must be persistent to find them, but in the end you will see the light of it. Enjoy the journey... This is the Legend of the Black Rose series. Find the others to complete the story.
Written by Jade Garnet aka jadegarnet.eth. (All art is created with original content and/or generated with A.I. enhancements, with post-production effects by creator. All copyrights are owned by Jade Garnet and guaranteed by terms of service of software utilized.)
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